Tuesday 25 June 2013

Jolie Wilkins series by H.P. Mallory

The series opens with Jolie, our heroine in denial, living a rather mundane life, making a living as a psychic in her Los Angeles fortune-telling shop. She knows she’s different as she is able to see the brightly colored auras around people and has strange visions that inevitably come to fruition; however, she learns reticence at an early age as to referencing her paranormal abilities.  “Multiple holy water cleanses from Father Charles have a way of teaching you when to hold your tongue.” (Loc 661) A bit lonely, yes; but otherwise, Jolie is content with her nice house, reliable car, a cat that needs her, and her best friend, Christa. The last thing our reluctant heroine wants is upheaval, romantic or otherwise! Unexpectedly and rather abruptly, Jolie Wilkins finds herself the pawn in an Underworld quarrel on the verge of erupting into a full-blown WWIII.

Rand Balfour – The powerful, gorgeous, scratch that… , hot as %@&! warlock teaching our heroine to accept her paranormal abilities and how to use them.
Sinjin Sinclair – The very old, dangerously smexy vampire who proves quite the enigma.
The Prophetess – “‘You are the prophecy. I never believed it, but it … must be true.’
“My heart slammed against my chest as I wondered what in the hell she was talking about. ‘What prophecy?’
“‘We were … told that you would come. The woman who … can bring with her everlasting life. I … I never believed it.’
“She looked as excited as someone could who’s nearly dead. I didn’t know what to think, but I couldn’t stop the angst that welled up within me. A prophecy?” (Loc 6197)
“‘You are no witch,’ she said, her eyes wide. ‘you have … no idea … what … you … are.’
“Then she died.” (Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble: Jolie Wilkins Series, H. P. Mallory – Loc 6259)
Even though H. P. Mallory’s humorous Jolie Wilkins Series officially concludes with “Something Witchy This Way Comes”, the fifth installment reads more as a bridge to her spin-off series due out in 2013. The new series will pick up where the Jolie Wilkens Series leaves off, the difference being the narration will be from Jolie’s sister’s point of view. Furthermore, the impression is given we will be seeing not a few of our favorite characters (more smexy vampire, please) we have come to love and cherish in H. P. Mallory’s humorous Jolie Wilkins Series. We eagerly await more amazing paranormal adventures, H. P. Mallory!
H. P. Mallory’s humorous Jolie Wilkins romance series in order:   1 – Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble,   2 – Toil and Trouble,   2.5 – Be Witched (Novella),   3 – Witchful Thinking,   4 – The Witch Is Back,   5 – Something Witchy This Way Comes.

 Download Ebook here

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